Here is the first photo (RAW file from a Canon 6D) edited on the iPad Pro. Imported straight from the camera using the camera connection kit. Editing (and B/W convertion) started on Snapseed app from Google and final touches were executed in Adobe Photoshop Fix app. On a future post I will be posting the same image edited on desktop apps, namely Photoshop CC and will be comparing the results.
Aqui está a primeira imagem (ficheiro RAW captado com uma Canon 6D) editada no iPad Pro. A fotografia foi importada diretamente da câmera utilizando o kit de conexão de câmeras. A edição (e conversão para P/B) foi iniciada na aplicação Snapseed da Google e os retoques finais foram executados na aplicação Adobe Photoshop Fix. Numa futura publicação irei apresentar os resultados obtidos na mesma imagem mas editada no Photoshop versão de desktop, com o objectivo de comparar resultados.
Mercado dos Lavradores, Funchal, Madeira
Lytro Illum Camera
Light Field Sensor
The first Lytro Camera was an interesting piece of kit, using light field technology to take photos that could be refocused after the fact. But with a maximum resolution of 1080x1080 and an unusual elongated body, it was more tech demo than usable tool. The Lytro Illum Camera looks to change all that. Built around a more traditional body, it features an 8x zoom lens, the ability to focus on objects that are literally touching the lens, an SD slot for storage, and a 40 Megaray CMOS sensor that works in concert with a Snapdragon processor to produce 4MP images that offer all the refocusing magic of the tiny pics from the original.
The original Lytro Light Field Camera Model.
To see the kind of photos these cameras capture click the link below:
Tim Cooper gives a very complete and understandable rundown on an HDR workflow using Adobe Lightroom and Photomatix Pro. The results are very realistic as they should be. As I always pointed out HDR is not a photographic style or genre, it is a tool designed to overcome the limitations that digital cameras have in capturing detail on the shadows and highlights on a single frame. It Is worth watching every minute. Enjoy.
Canon EOS 5D Mk II montada num helicóptero telecomandado
A BP tem pago a proprietários de barcos ao longo de todo o Golfo do México para não levarem jornalistas para a zona do derrame. Para subverter esta tentativa vergonhosa de bloqueio jornalístico a empresa Perspective Aerials (empresa que desenvolve helicópteros telecomandados para fotografia aérea) decidiu utilizar um dos seus helicopteros para obter imagens da mancha de petróleo que tem devastado toda a região.